Programming is a field that demands to be updated, and to learn new things on a daily basis.

So, The problem is to have a great resources of information to improve your skills.

I found a lot of people asking about YouTube channels, that could help them.

In this article, I will share with your 4 YouTube channels, that help me a lot on my programming journey.

1- Programming With Mosh

This is a great youtube channel to learn how to design and program.

Mosh Hamadani is a software engineer and expert on web development.

I love his way on teaching how to structure, manage, and understand the language, framework, patterns,…

2-Udacity (Udacity)

Udacity, a pioneer in online education, is building “University by Silicon Valley”, a new type of online university, that teaches the actual programming skills, that industry employers need today.

3-LevelUpTuts (LevelUpTuts)

This is a great resource for tutorials on PHP and WordPress. (freeCodeCamp)

There are tons of 2-minute whiteboard explanations of various software engineering tools and concepts on Free Code Camp’s YouTube channel.

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4 Great YouTube Channels, that Will Improve Your Programming Skill
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