Even though Java has been around since the 1990s, it continues to be a popular programming language in the development ecosystem. It is because Java has long demonstrated its value as an A-grade resource that allows developers to effectively deal with the many challenges associated with other prevalent languages and enable the development of high-quality solutions.

Java continues to be celebrated as a terrific programming language that delivers ace levels of security. However, that also does not mean that programmers can take protection for granted. To put it simply, ensuring the safety of your Java app should be one of the top priorities for any company, for, without it, the business is likely to suffer the wrath of consumers’ distrust! So, to help you avoid that situation and continue to deliver Java apps with top-notch quality and safety, we have listed some of the best practices that one would do well to adopt and integrate into their Java web application development project.

Safeguard Against Injection Attacks

SQL injection, easily one of the biggest vulnerabilities in this context, can allow nefarious elements to gain access to sensitive data. It happens when an attacker is successfully able to intercept an app’s queries to its database and use it to access user data, which can then be leveraged for any illegal purposes. However, this can be prevented, of course; you can ensure attackers are unable to use SQL injection attacks against your app by parameterizing queries. It, in turn, can be done by making use of a prepared statement. Ideally, developers should use only this method to build queries.

#java #secure coding #java security #external libraries #injection attacks

Top 3 Tips for Ensuring Security During Java Development
1.10 GEEK