Hackers today are on the rage and more organizations are falling victim to them. We are hearing reports of data leaks and website hacks more frequently than ever before.

Even though security steps have been taken to prevent attacks, hackers are better equipped today.

They continue to invent new hacking mechanisms and tools. To protect your data, app, and website, you need to stay ahead of the curve.

You need to be proactive and not reactive with your security. You need the best security testing tools to stay ahead.

Security testing tools are used to observe an application and test its functionality to detect as many security issues as possible to prevent hackers from penetrating. These security tools are used without accessing any source code.

First, we’ll explain what security testing is and why it is needed.

What Is Security Testing?

Security testing is conducted to make sure that the data in an information system can’t be accessed by someone that hasn’t been authorized to do so.

It is done to ensure that the data remains protected. Security testing protects applications from threats like malware and others that can crash them…


8 Popular Security Tools You Should Try Right Now
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