And Create a Map to Search for Users in a Specific Location

Disclaimer: This article is only for educational purposes. We do not encourage anyone to scrape websites, especially those web properties that may have terms and conditions against such actions.

MotivationGitHub is a website that helps developers store and keep track of their code. I like GitHub not only because it allows me to control my code, but it also helps me discover interesting libraries, projects, and cool developers.There are over 56 million developers in GitHub. This means just by exploring GitHub, you can potentially find your software’s partners or your next employee. Why don’t we utilize this platform to find interesting people?What is Top Github Scraper?T op-github-scraper is the library I created to scrape more than 1k top machine learning GitHub profiles in my article  I Scraped more than 1k Top Machine Learning Github Profiles and this is what I Found.

#github #python

Scrape Top Github Users and Repositories Based On a Keyword in One Line of Code
1.40 GEEK