Create metadata driven applications with Vue.js and ASP.NET Core.


Create metadata driven applications with Vue.js and ASP.NET Core.

  • Define metadata for your datamodel and let Intwenty generate your database structure along with your needs for storing and retriving information.
  • Define your UI model and let intwenty generate your UI.
  • UI Model and data model can be defined either programaticly or with included visual management UI:s
  • Implements Asp.Net Core Identity, without any need of entity framework.
  • Uses Intwenty.DataClient a small but fast Db connection library with ORM functions and JSON support
  • The Nuget version is an RCL Package (Razor Class Library) that includes both UI and Controllers to get you up and running fast.

How to ?

Quick start
Configure intwenty
Configure Asp.Net Core Identity with Intwenty
The Intwenty DataService
The Intwenty ModelService
Run an Intwenty self test
The Admin UI
Sharing your model
Import a model
Generate model documentation

Create a model using the management UI

Create application

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Add database model to the application

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Add a listview UI to the application

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Add create/edit UI to the application

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Create a model programmaticly

Create application

client.InsertEntity(new ApplicationItem() { Id = 10, Description = "An app for managing customers", MetaCode = "CUSTOMER", Title = "Customer", TitleLocalizationKey="CUSTOMER", DbName = "Customer", IsHierarchicalApplication = false, UseVersioning = false });

Add database model to the application

client.InsertEntity(new DatabaseItem() { AppMetaCode = "CUSTOMER", MetaType = "DATACOLUMN", MetaCode = "CUSTOMERID", DbName = "CustomerId", ParentMetaCode = "ROOT", DataType = "STRING", Mandatory = true, IsUnique = true, Properties= "DEFVALUE=AUTO#DEFVALUE_START=1000#DEFVALUE_PREFIX=CUST#DEFVALUE_SEED=100" });
client.InsertEntity(new DatabaseItem() { AppMetaCode = "CUSTOMER", MetaType = "DATACOLUMN", MetaCode = "CUSTOMERNAME", DbName = "CustomerName", ParentMetaCode = "ROOT", DataType = "STRING" });
client.InsertEntity(new DatabaseItem() { AppMetaCode = "CUSTOMER", MetaType = "DATACOLUMN", MetaCode = "CUSTOMERPHONE", DbName = "CustomerPhone", ParentMetaCode = "ROOT", DataType = "STRING" });
client.InsertEntity(new DatabaseItem() { AppMetaCode = "CUSTOMER", MetaType = "DATACOLUMN", MetaCode = "CUSTOMEREMAIL", DbName = "CustomerEmail", ParentMetaCode = "ROOT", DataType = "STRING" });

Add a listview UI to the application

client.InsertEntity(new UserInterfaceItem() { AppMetaCode = "CUSTOMER", MetaType = "LISTVIEW", MetaCode = "MAIN_LISTVIEW", DataMetaCode = "", Title = "Customer List", TitleLocalizationKey = "CUSTOMERLIST", ParentMetaCode = "ROOT", RowOrder = 0, ColumnOrder = 0 });
client.InsertEntity(new UserInterfaceItem() { AppMetaCode = "CUSTOMER", MetaType = "LISTVIEWCOLUMN", MetaCode = "LV_ID", DataMetaCode = "ID", Title = "ID", ParentMetaCode = "MAIN_LISTVIEW", RowOrder = 1, ColumnOrder = 1 });
client.InsertEntity(new UserInterfaceItem() { AppMetaCode = "CUSTOMER", MetaType = "LISTVIEWCOLUMN", MetaCode = "LV_CUSTID", DataMetaCode = "CUSTOMERID", Title = "Customer ID", TitleLocalizationKey = "CUSTOMERID", ParentMetaCode = "MAIN_LISTVIEW", RowOrder = 1, ColumnOrder = 2 });
client.InsertEntity(new UserInterfaceItem() { AppMetaCode = "CUSTOMER", MetaType = "LISTVIEWCOLUMN", MetaCode = "LV_CUSTNAME", DataMetaCode = "CUSTOMERNAME", Title = "Customer Name", TitleLocalizationKey = "CUSTOMERNAME", ParentMetaCode = "MAIN_LISTVIEW", RowOrder = 1, ColumnOrder = 3 });

Add create/edit UI to the application

client.InsertEntity(new UserInterfaceItem() { AppMetaCode = "CUSTOMER", MetaType = "SECTION", MetaCode = "MAINSECTION", DataMetaCode = "", Title = "", ParentMetaCode = "ROOT", RowOrder = 1, ColumnOrder = 1, Properties = "COLLAPSIBLE=FALSE#STARTEXPANDED=FALSE" });
client.InsertEntity(new UserInterfaceItem() { AppMetaCode = "CUSTOMER", MetaType = "PANEL", MetaCode = "CUSTPNL1", DataMetaCode = "", Title = "Basics", ParentMetaCode = "MAINSECTION", RowOrder = 1, ColumnOrder = 1 });
client.InsertEntity(new UserInterfaceItem() { AppMetaCode = "CUSTOMER", MetaType = "TEXTBOX", MetaCode = "TB_CUSTID", DataMetaCode = "CUSTOMERID", Title = "Customer ID", TitleLocalizationKey = "CUSTOMERID", ParentMetaCode = "CUSTPNL1", RowOrder = 1, ColumnOrder = 1 });
client.InsertEntity(new UserInterfaceItem() { AppMetaCode = "CUSTOMER", MetaType = "TEXTBOX", MetaCode = "TB_CUSTNAME", DataMetaCode = "CUSTOMERNAME", Title = "Customer Name", TitleLocalizationKey = "CUSTOMERNAME", ParentMetaCode = "CUSTPNL1", RowOrder = 2, ColumnOrder = 1 });
client.InsertEntity(new UserInterfaceItem() { AppMetaCode = "CUSTOMER", MetaType = "PANEL", MetaCode = "CUSTPNL2", DataMetaCode = "", Title = "Contact", TitleLocalizationKey = "CUSTOMERCONTACT", ParentMetaCode = "MAINSECTION", RowOrder = 1, ColumnOrder = 2 });
client.InsertEntity(new UserInterfaceItem() { AppMetaCode = "CUSTOMER", MetaType = "EMAILBOX", MetaCode = "TBCUSTMAIL", DataMetaCode = "CUSTOMEREMAIL", Title = "Email", TitleLocalizationKey = "CUSTOMERPHONE", ParentMetaCode = "CUSTPNL2", RowOrder = 3, ColumnOrder = 2 });
client.InsertEntity(new UserInterfaceItem() { AppMetaCode = "CUSTOMER", MetaType = "NUMBOX", MetaCode = "TBCUSTPHONE", DataMetaCode = "CUSTOMERPHONE", Title = "Phone", TitleLocalizationKey = "CUSTOMEREMAIL", ParentMetaCode = "CUSTPNL2", RowOrder = 3, ColumnOrder = 2 });

Generated UI

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Endpoints supporting the generated application



  1. Boost productivity
  2. To be lightweight
  3. Keep dependencies to a minimum.

Backend Dependencies

  • core 3.1
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc 2.2.0
  • Intwenty.DataClient

Frontend Dependencies

  • bootstrap 4.3.7
  • popper.js 1.16.1
  • vue.js 2.6.11
  • jquery 3.3.1
  • alasql 0.5.5
  • fontawesome-free-5.12.1-web

Works with the following databases

  • MS Sql Server
  • MySql
  • Maria DB
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite

How to get started

Consult the Wiki

How to get Intwenty

  • Fork this Repository.
  • Download the latest release on github.
  • Use the nuget package.

Download Details:

Author: Domitor

Source Code:

#vue #vuejs #javascript

Create metadata driven applications with Vue.js and ASP.NET Core.
3.20 GEEK