What is Cognitive Analytics?

Cognitive Analytics simulate the human thought process to learn from the data and extract the hidden patterns from data. It brings all the data sources such as audio, video, text, images within the reach of Analytics processes that further used for Decision-Making and Business Intelligence.

It applies the Human-like intelligence to tasks such as extracting the full summary of the text rather than individual words. Therefore, Cognitive Analytics makes use of the combination of technologies such as Semantics, algorithms of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning. When these technologies are applied, the respective Cognitive application will become more effective by learning with time from the interactions with the data and humans. A Cognitive Analytics System searches through the entire data that exists within the knowledge base to determine the Real-Time solutions. Give a read to this blog based on text analytics for more understanding.

How Does Cognitive Analytics Work?

Cognitive Computing is highly dependent upon the Deep Learning and Neural Network. Deep Learning based on the architecture which is known as Deep Learning Neural Network that emerges from the Neural Network architecture. You may also read more about Predictive Analytics in this insight.

The structure of the human brain influences the Neural Network. It is made up of neurons connected with the weighted interconnections. The Deep Learning Neural Network is consist of multiple layers of neurons. Learning will take place when the weights updated between the interconnection of weights.

The Learning is composed of three phases –

  • Understanding natural language and human interactions.
  • Generating and evaluating the Evidence-based hypothesis.
  • Adapting and learning from user selections and responses.

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