Hey all!

I recently saw an opportunity for automation while working with a developer. The developer described their very manual process of building and testing docker containers. The process basically goes like this:

  1. Update any necessary files, scripts, Dockerfile, etc.
  2. Build the Dockerfile
  3. Tag the docker image
  4. Authenticate to the AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
  5. Push the docker image to the ECR
  6. Go to the AWS console and run several AWS Batch (compute on demand) jobs, monitor their progress for 10–30 minutes, and make sure they succeed

As you can see, that’s a lot of manual steps! The team I worked with only had one person who was connected to this process enough to run it, so if that single person was at lunch, no one could update the Docker image, or test everything.

The request was to automate this entire process and make it simple enough that the rest of the team could complete this process without advanced knowledge of Docker, ECR, or Batch.

I ❤ to automate things, let’s do this.

#devops #azure-devops #docker #aws

Let’s Do DevOps: Build and Test Docker with AWS Batch Jobs
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