For cloud native edge computing applications there is a need for facilitating data processing at the edge of the network to stay at proximity to the source of events with characteristics of ultra-low latency and high bandwidth connectivity, enabling innovative and cutting-edge applications such as video analytics, virtual reality, the Internet of Things (IoT) and self-driving cars.

This webinar will introduce you to the Open Network Edge Services Software (OpenNESS), an open source, reference cloud-native architecture that enables the Cloud Services Providers (CSPs) and Communication Services Providers (CoSPs) to deploy end-to-end on-premises and network edge services leveraging various CNCF ingredients with Kubernetes at its core - an implementation that delivers recipes for generating new network edge capabilities such as:

  • Abstracted platform & network complexity
  • Enhanced dataplane
  • Hardware accelerators management
  • Dynamic discovery & optimal apps/services placement
  • Open integration with Cloud Native Functions (CNFs)

#kubernetes #devops

Kubernetes in the Context of On-premises Edge and Network Edge Computing
1.60 GEEK