Ready for the next step after learning JavaScript and interested in React? Here’s an overview of React and the differences between JS and JSX!

After learning JavaScript many developers turn to learn React. In fact, if you google “is react worth learning?” there are quite a few articles that answer this question with a strong YES.

But what is React? What is its associated language JSX? How does it compared to JavaScript?

I admit, if you asked me these questions two weeks ago I wouldn’t have known how to respond. I didn’t know much else about React, other than it’s used for the frontend and a good next step after JavaScript. When I finally switched gears to learn React, the way JSX simplifies JavaScript was hard for me to grasp. Now, two weeks later, I am comfortable enough with the differences to appreciate the pros and cons of each.

For those unsure about their next step, looking for an introduction to React, or confused about JSX, I’m dedicating this article to you!

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React Basics: What’s the difference between JavaScript and JSX?
1.15 GEEK