This video on Data Analysis using Python and SQL will make you learn the important Python libraries and SQL commands to perform data analysis, data manipulation, data visualization and exploratory data analysis. You will understand NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib. You will get hands-on experience working with SQL queries to store, update, delete, retrieve and analyze relational data.

What is Python?
Python is a high-level object-oriented programming language developed by Guido van Rossum in 1989 and was first released in 1991. Python is often called batteries included language due to its comprehensive standard library. A fun fact about Python is that The name Python was actually taken from the popular BBC comedy show of that time, “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”. Python is widely used these days from data analytics, machine learning, and web development. Python allows you to write programs in fewer lines of code than most of programming languages. Python as a programming language is growing rapidly. It’s the right time to get trained in Python.

#sql #python #data-analysis

Data Analysis Using Python & SQL | Data Analysis Full Course | Data Analysis Tutorial
7.00 GEEK