Getting Started With Three.js - All you need to know about animation in 3D.

I haven’t wanted to learn Three.js. It’s all because one of my clients viewed my Upwork profile and personally messaged me.

He wants to use 3D animation for their website. So I went over the internet and search for it. I have found out Three.js, Blender, Sketchup, React360 for 3D animation.

React 360 uses the Three.js concept, while Blender and Sketchup are software to create 3D animation.

After a little bit of research, I used Three.js for my client website.

So here is what I have learned.

You have to at least know about JavaScript before getting started with Three.js.

In previous days, Developers use WebGL(Web Graphics Library) for high-performance interactive 2D and 3D graphics. To know more about it, you can visit mdn.

WebGL is outdated since it requires a lot of code to create 3D graphics.

That’s why a modified version with the name Three.js came into the picture.

Three.js is a 3D Javascript library. It helps us to build 3D animation using Three.js.

You may have heard about React360, SketchUp — they use for creating 3D designs, and the concept remains the same.

Three.js is cool enough, and I am damn sure after learning it, you will use it in every project.


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Getting Started With Three.js
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