FastAPI is a modern Python web framework which with a number of advantages, including:

  • It is one of the fastest (high-performance) web frameworks available.
  • It takes advantage of type annotation support of Python 3.6+ for better data validation and editor support.
  • It utilizes Python’s Async power, which is useful for building asynchronous APIs.
  • It generates standards based on open standards such as OpenAPI and JSON Schema.
  • It is robust and easy to use and learn.

So in this guide, you will be exploring one of the newest and finest Python web framework libraries.

Getting Started

There are just three basic steps to install, create, and run FastAPI.


pip install fastapi

You will also need an ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) server such as Uvicorn.

pip install uvicorn


Explore Python Libraries: FastAPI
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