At the start of 2020, I wrote a long Medium post called The Complete SwiftUI Documentation You’ve Been Waiting For.

This was my way of sharing what I learned when I tried to fill in the gaps left by the insufficient documentation provided by Apple. Although my post seemed to help a lot of people, I also wrote it six months late. Now that Apple’s 2020 developer conference is over, SwiftUI has been given some new capabilities. Since I won’t be starting from scratch, updating the content from the old post won’t take as long, but hopefully, it will be even more helpful than before.

This will be released as a series, with one chapter per post.

The names of these chapters correspond with the chapter names in Apple’s SwiftUI documentation.

I can guarantee that none of them will be as long as this one, if that’s something you’re worried about!

#swift #programming #mobile #ios #swiftui

Views and Controls — The SwiftUI 2 Documentation
3.60 GEEK