Indeed, Spring is a platform to makes the Java developer life more manageable. This tutorial will explore a primary feature on Spring Data JPA, such as the inheritance.

Spring Data JPA makes it easy to implement JPA-based repositories quickly. This module deals with enhanced support for JPA-based data access layers, and it is a proud member of the Spring family. This tutorial will be a short intro about Spring Data JPA and its functionality.

In the second part, we could cover the basic annotations on both Spring Core and the Spring Web, focusing on Rest Controller; however, we did not create an application with a database connection.

Fortunately, it is the goal of this part to make a connection easier and clean. We’ll use Spring Data because it reduces a lot of code, and it uses the JPA annotations.

To explore the JPA annotations with a repository, we’ll create simple rest to handle a person and its tickets through plan, train, and bus. The foremost goal here is to explore the heritage of both the JPA and JSON serialization.

It is essential to highlight that there is an impedance mismatch. Thus objects are not RDBMS, and if we don’t think about it will apply to performance and a bad design.

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Introduction to Spring Data JPA With Inheritance in A REST Application
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