The best WP Rocket Settings for 2021 (complete tutorial with Cloudflare + CDN setup)

Intro - 0:00
Dashboard - 00:37
Cache - 1:26
File Optimization - 2:44
Media - 9:31
Preload - 11:29
Advanced Rules - 13:47
Database - 13:59
CDN - 15:14
Heartbeat - 17:00
Add-ons - 17:40
Cloudflare - 18:51
Image Optimization - 22:34
Tools - 22:49
Serve Static Assets With An Efficient Cache Policy - 23:01

A simple tutorial on how to setup the best WP Rocket settings for 2021 including Cloudflare and CDN instructions. This should help you get better Lighthouse and GTmetrix scores and of course, faster load times. I talk about fixing specific items in core web vitals and Lighthouse like cumulative layout shift, removing unused CSS/JS, render-blocking resources, browser resource hints, third-party code, and more. I also recommend trying Autoptimize and Async JavaScript on top of WP Rocket.

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The Best WP Rocket Settings for 2021 (complete Tutorial with Cloudflare + CDN Setup)
1.15 GEEK