First we should know, what is a stream? So , the word stream means “steady flow of something” and here we have a flow of data. Stream is basically a sequence of data that can be infinite. Here, infinite means very huge size to fit in your system’s memory or just unknown to you.

Now, you understand streams, go through following to understand akka-streams:

Akka-Stream is a module built on top of Akka Actors. It means there are underlying actors that are actually working in transferring data.
It is a library to process and transfer a sequence of elements.
Akka Streams is nonblocking that means a certain operation does not hinder the progress of the calling thread.
It provides easy-to-use APIs to create streams that leverage the power of the Akka toolkit without explicitly defining actor behaviors and messages. That means, a relief from handling actors yourself.
We can focus on logic rather than focusing on how to manage actors and that can be much productive.

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Getting Started with Akka-Streams
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