Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, shortly known as Amazon VC or simply VPC, is a virtual network dedicated to your AWS account, that enables you to launch AWS resources to a virtual network you defined. It is the networking layer of your Amazon EC2. In this article, I will be sharing a walkthrough on how to carry out VPC peering in Amazon Web Services (AWS).

A VPC peering connection is a one to one relationship between two VPCs. It is a networking connection between two VPCs that allows you to route traffic between them privately. You can create a peering connection between two of your VPCs, or with a VPC of another AWS account.

For this article we will be peering an RDS database and an Amazon workspace, each having different VPCs.

Here is what you’ll need:

1)A running RDS database on AWS. I am using Microsoft SQL.

  1. Amazon workspace.


  1. Log in to AWS console (

  2. Select “RDS” from the Database menu to launch it.

  3. Select the database you want to peer with the AWS workspace by clicking on it.

  4. From the page displayed afterward, Copy the VPC security group to your clipboard.

Click the link below to read more

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VPC Peering in Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Cndro
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