
ganttrify facilitates the creation of nice-looking Gantt charts, commonly used in project proposals and project management.


It is possible to find online documented attempts at facilitating the

creation of Gantt charts from R. Some of them

(e.g. this

and this)

use ‘ggplot2’, but I feel they do not look very nice. The same goes for

the answers I found in the relevant Stackoverflow




enables the creation of Gantt charts in R, but again, I don’t like the

end result.

I did find a solution that was rather visually


but it was in base R, and all the cool kids nowadays know that base

plotting in R exists only for compatibility with

S: not an option! (Hey, I’m joking,

don’t @ me!)

Given what is evidently my posh taste for Gantt charts, I had no other

option than making this package with a pretentious, gentrified name,

instead of the obvious “ganttr”.

Please welcome ganttrify.

#data visualization #data-science

Create beautiful Gantt charts with ggplot2
16.20 GEEK