We’ve all had to manage complex forms in our Angular apps, and it can get messy really quickly. Making sure to use all that Angular has to offer for reactive forms helps make the experience better. This can be done by using nested FormGroups and FormArrays. In this article, we’ll take a look at how this can help us manage a complex form.

What’s the Problem?

I work at a health insurance company for my full time job. As you can imagine, we deal with a lot of forms, and some of them are very complex. For example, one form allows an employer to add an employee and their dependents to an insurance policy. The employee form alone has about 20 fields that need to be filled out, and then each dependent has 8 required fields and an optional set of address fields. There is no limit to the number of dependents that can be added to the form. The logic in the front end began to quickly grow out of control, with us manually checking to see if the form data was valid (instead of using the FormGroup.valid attribute) and making sure that the reusable forms were emitting the data to the parent component to be saved. The complexity caused us to hesitate any time we needed to edit the page. Finally I decided it was time to take another look at the page and simplify it and leverage the power of Angular and what it gives us for free.

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Manage Complex Reactive Forms in Angular
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