The Bootstrap framework offers a simple JavaScript interface for implementing interactive, custom components for web applications.

A case study with button and modal

Bootstrap is a CSS framework that offers a variety of components, such as buttons, panels, and dropdowns. You can use it to quickly design a website or a graphical interface for a web application.

To create a Bootstrap frontend, all you need is some knowledge of HTML and CSS. However, some functionalities can only be implemented with the help of JavaScript. For this, the Bootstrap framework offers a simple JavaScript interface.

Working with Bootstrap in the JavaScript interface

In this article, we will explore how to modify and control Bootstrap components via the JavaScript interface. The example we will use is a simple button that allows the users to open a dialog (modal).

If you take a look into the Bootstrap documentation, you will notice that the interface for the other interactive Bootstrap components, such as Carousel, Collapse or Dropdown, is very similar. Therefore, what you learn in this article can be easily applied to other components.

#javascript #bootstrap #css #html #programming

Using Bootstrap Components with Custom JavaScript
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