A Themeable UI Component Library built with Emotion and Styled System

Tonic Styled UI

A themeable UI component library built with Emotion and Styled System.


🚧 Work In Progress 🚧

Please note that this is a work in progress and is subject to change without notice. You should constantly follow the changelog for all latest changes before the v1 release.


  • A unified color theme provider that can easily switch between light and dark mode
  • Low barriers to customize UI components using building blocks: Box, ControlBox, PseudoBox
  • A standarized naming convention powered by Styled System


  • Getting Started - Walk through how to install Tonic Styled UI packages
  • Color Modes - Learn how to use color modes
  • Contributing - Become familiar with how to make a contribution
  • Examples - Get to know Styled UI components and learn from some examples with best practices

Download Details:

Author: trendmicro-frontend

Demo: https://trendmicro-frontend.github.io/styled-ui/

Source Code: https://github.com/trendmicro-frontend/styled-ui

#react #reactjs #javascript

A Themeable UI Component Library built with Emotion and Styled System
7.15 GEEK