Hi everyone! Being a biomedical undergraduate student, wouldn’t it be wrong on my part if I did not show you all an application of AI in Medicine. In this story, I would like to walk-through a real-world application of deep learning to the field of medicine and how it can assist doctors and radiologists to a large extent.
The dataset I’ll be using for this experiment is obtained from the Kaggle link https://www.kaggle.com/navoneel/brain-mri-images-for-brain-tumor-detection
So, first, let me describe the problem that we will be solving over here. In this, we want to classify an MRI Scan of a patient’s brain obtained in the axial plane as whether there is a presence of tumor or not. I am sharing a sample image of what an MRI scan looks like with tumor and without one.

#python #artificial-intelligence #machine-learning #data-science #deep-learning

Classification of Brain MRI as Tumor/Non Tumor
1.10 GEEK