• Manjaro  is yet another user-friendly Arch-Linux-based distro that completely revamps the whole idea of Arch – but most importantly lends an easier and more intuitive approach to Arch Linux for newcomers.
  • ArcoLinux  (formerly ArchMerge ) is an Arch Linux-based distro that enables users to run Linux in several ways using any of its 3 release branches
  • Chakra is a user-friendly Arch Linux-based distribution with a focus on KDE and Qt software to encourage the use of KDE/Qt as a replacement for other widget toolkits.
  • Anarchy Linux  is distributed as an ISO that can run off a pen drive, uses Xfce 4  as its default desktop environment, and its users benefit from all the goodies of the AUR.

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Best User-Friendly Arch Linux Distributions
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