I crunched the numbers on Fantasy Premier league (FPL) this season so you don’t have to.

If you haven’t read my last post on this topic, then please go ahead. It shows how I used similar methods to get into the top 1% on the return to FPL after lockdown.

You do not have to have read it to be able to understand this, however.

I will use very simple maths and a little bit of coding (Python) to help find the ultimate FPL starting team for this season.

The theory

The theory is the same as last timeMaximum ROI = Maximum points

This is an equation that proves that if you maximise ROI then you maximise total points in Premier League fantasty football.

Medium isn’t yet great at supporting Latex, hence the picture. For a good guide on how to incorporate latex into your writing check out https://medium.com/@tylerneylon/how-to-write-mathematics-on-medium-f89aa45c42a0

Therefore, the approach is to create a team with the maximum ROI possible. Simple, right?

#fantasy-football #data-science #python #sports #football

Who should I start in Fantasy Football?
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