Table of contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. About the Dataset
  3. Setting up Monk and Prerequisites
  4. Downloading Dataset
  5. Creating Projects and Experiments
  6. Approach
  7. Selecting the best model
  8. Conclusion


It is an easy task for us to classify handwritten information but to computers, it is a disconcerting and daunting job. Handwritten character classification in general is a challenging task because there are innumerable ways in which any character can be written.

Neural networks have although redefined this task and also play a huge role in developing such classifiers, provided they are fed with a huge amount of data for it to be trained.

In this particular blog, we will explore the Russian alphabets and classify them in their handwritten form.

About The Dataset:

In the data set, we have got 14190 colored images distributed among 3 image folders, consisting of all 33 categories of Russian alphabets.

The first folder has striped backgrounds (with few horizontal and/or vertical lines), the second folder has white backgrounds and the third one has graph type backgrounds (with many ordered horizontal and vertical lines).

#handwritten-classifier #russian-letters #monk #classification #russian-dataset #ai

Russian Alphabet Classification Using Monk AI
1.45 GEEK