Validation is one of the key components in any web app. After all, we should never trust any input to our applications, ever. Up until now, my group has been building MVC-based web apps, in those apps we’ve been content to use built-in or custom-built validation solutions for any validation-type procedures we needed to write.

Now, though, we’ve transferred over to building a web service written in ASP.NET Web API, and the old validation structure we had in place just doesn’t work very well in that new environment. Consequently we had to hammer out a new validation structure, and I’m particularly proud of how we set that up, so I wanted to share it here. Let me know if it helps you as well. First, though, a little background on how our app was set up. #web api #fluentvalidation #validation

Custom Validation in ASP.NET Web API with FluentValidation
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