React Native Test App provides test apps for all platforms as a package

React Native Test App

React Native Test App provides test apps for all platforms as a package. Bring your own JS bundle, and let us manage the native bits.

This is a work in progress. You can read and discuss the RFC at React Native: Discussions and Proposals.

For more details, please refer to the wiki.


react-native-test-app is published with source code only. You will still need to compile the test apps yourself.

  • Android:
    • Android Studio 3.6 or later
      • Android SDK Platform 29
      • Android SDK Build-Tools 29.0.3
      • To install the required SDKs, go into PreferencesAppearance & BehaviorSystem SettingsAndroid SDK.
  • iOS:

Quick Start

Install react-native-test-app as a dev dependency. We will use Plop to generate the test app:

yarn add react-native-test-app --dev
yarn plop --plopfile node_modules/react-native-test-app/plopfile.js --dest sample

--dest tells Plop where to generate the files. In this example, it will generate files under sample folder. Choose the appropriate place to store your test app, then answer a couple of questions:

? What is the name of your test app? Sample
? Which platforms do you need test apps for? all

Run yarn inside the new project folder:

cd sample

Once the dependencies are installed, follow the platform specific instructions below.


# Bundle the JS first so Gradle can find
# the assets.
yarn build:android

# Finally, open `sample/android` in
# Android Studio.

# On macOS, you can open the project from
# the terminal:
open -a "Android Studio" android


# Bundle the JS first so CocoaPods can
# find the assets.
yarn build:ios
pod install --project-directory=ios

# Finally, open the Xcode workspace.
open ios/Sample.xcworkspace


# Bundle the JS first so CocoaPods can
# find the assets.
yarn build:macos
pod install --project-directory=macos

# Finally, open the Xcode workspace.
open macos/Sample.xcworkspace

Developing React Native Test App

Additional dependencies:

We’ll be using the Example app for all development of the React Native Test App. Some platforms may require extra steps for the initial set up. Please follow the steps below, then jump to the appropriate section(s) for the final steps.

Open a terminal and navigate to your clone of this repository:

cd react-native-test-app

# This step only needs to be done once,
# before we can install the Example app's
# dependencies. It is stored in
# `~/.config/yarn/link/react-native-test-app`.
# You can run `unlink` if you need to
# remove it later.
yarn link

# Install Example app's dependencies.
cd example

# Now we use the link we created earlier.
# This step needs to be run _after_
# `yarn` otherwise it will be
# overwritten.
yarn link "react-native-test-app"


# Bundle the JS first so Gradle can find
# the assets.
yarn build:android

# Finally, open the `android` folder in
# Android Studio.

# On macOS, you can open the project from
# the terminal:
open -a "Android Studio" android


# Bundle the JS first so CocoaPods can
# find the assets.
yarn build:ios
pod install --project-directory=ios

# Finally, open the Xcode workspace.
open ios/Example.xcworkspace


# Bundle the JS first so CocoaPods can
# find the assets.
yarn build:macos
pod install --project-directory=macos

# Finally, open the Xcode workspace.
open macos/Example.xcworkspace

Known Issues

Invalid Podfile file: undefined method `[]’ for nil:NilClass

This can occur if your package is iOS specific, i.e. it contains no ios folder with an Xcode project. react-native config cannot detect your package if this is missing. We can work around it by adding react-native.config.js at the root of the package:

module.exports = {
  project: {
    ios: {
      project: "ReactTestApp-Dummy.xcodeproj",


This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit

When you submit a pull request, a CLA bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., status check, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repositories using our CLA.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.

Download Details:

Author: microsoft


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React Native Test App provides test apps for all platforms as a package
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