A function expression is another way of creating a function. It makes your code maintainable because each function has its task and it avoids scope pollution - a term used when variables a cluttered within the namespace, thereby making your program more prone to error.

In this tutorial we will learn the function expressions in the following sections:

  1. Basic syntaxes of the function expression
  2. Ways of creating a function pollution
    • Anonymous function
      • Function without function name
      • Self-invoked function
    • Arrow function
  3. Limitations of arrow functions
    • Keywords like this, super, arguments, new.target, and yield can’t be used.
    • Can’t be used as a constructor.
    • Can’t use the syntax of call, apply, and bind methods on arrow functions.

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Check out the article: https://techstack.hashnode.dev/javascript-function-expressions.
Next article: https://techstack.hashnode.dev/javascript-higher-order-functions

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JavaScript Higher-order Functions - 19
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