What is Inverse (XIV) | What is Inverse token | What is XIV token

We are proud to announce INVERSE, a non-custodial, counter-volatility, DeFi protocol that allows users to earn significant yield from the downward moves of select assets. INVERSE is powered by the XIV token, a free-floating, inverse-yielding, ERC-20 token.


INVERSE is a DeFi platform that provides an array of smart-contract features with integrated time-based options. Users have the opportunity to speculate on the drop in value of a suite of DeFi coins by utilizing the multiple tracking vaults on the platform. XIV, the protocol’s native token, is used to unlock these vaults, and then staked within these vaults for no more than 7 days. As their name implies, these vaults track the real-time price movements of select DeFi tokens (i.e. COMP, AAVE, UNI, YFI). After 7 days, if the value of the DeFi asset being tracked has dropped by a certain percentage, the user will gain a significant percentage yield on the amount of XIV held within the tracking vault. If the price of the DeFi asset does not drop in value beyond the pre- determined percentage by the end of the 7-day staking period, the user will forfeit a portion of their staked XIV. Rewards will be automatically disbursed to the user’s web3 browser wallet at the end of the 7-day staking period. Ultimately, INVERSE offers users the option to hedge against the volatility of select crypto assets.


The crypto and DeFi space is fast moving and highly volatile. These assets are often subject to frequent and rapid dips in price which can result in profound losses for market participants. To help solve this problem, we have created a protocol that offers users the opportunity to stake against the frequent dips in price of select DeFi coins without having to hold those assets. With the INVERSE protocol and its native XIV token, non-traders are offered the ability to speculate on the volatility of select assets dur- ing selloffs, dips, or downward turns in the crypto markets

Platform Lay-out & Smart Contract

INVERSE is a counter-volatility DeFi protocol that allows users to benefit from the volatility of select DeFi assets. Users gain rewards when these assets drop in value. INVERSE is powered by an open source smart-contract and is built on the Ethereum Blockchain.

The INVERSE smart-contract will be coded from the ground up and will be closely reviewed throughout this process by leading developers in the industry. Subsequently, a detailed third-party audit of the contract will be performed in order to limit possible future security and safety risks.

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Design Architecture for the Inverse Smart Contract

The protocol will require users to connect a Web3 enabled browser (i.e.MetaMask) in order to access it. We will utilize a leading oracle provider to access external data sources and to sync the latest market prices with the smart-contract.

XIV Token: Required token to be used for staking against DeFi coins and swapping on the INVERSE platform.

Swapping: The Swap function allows users to easily swap Ethereum or USDT for XIV Tokens. This happens via a smart contract.

Staking Function: The smart-contract’s staking function will be executed on a rolling basis. This means that staking can occur at all times, and different users can have different positions at different times. The smart contract will make a time stamp whenever a position is created. At the end of the staking period, the contract will either release rewards to the user or send forfeited XIV to the Liquidity Pool as per the conditions met.

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  • Step 1: Transfer ETH to the platform and swap for XIV
  • Step 2: Select method of Staking (Fixed or Flexible / DeFi coins or Index)
  • Step 3: Select drop-value if Flexible vaults chosen
  • Step 4: Select XIV amount and begin staking for 7 days (10,080 minutes)

How does the Protocol work?

INVERSE uses Ethereum enabled smart-contracts that allows users to gain yield, within a short duration of time, from the drop in value of select DeFi coins. Users stake XIV, the platform’s native token within ‘Tracking Vaults’ that follow the real-time price movements of select DeFi coins (i.e. Uni, Aave, YFI, Comp).  After 7 days (10080 minutes) , if the value of the DeFi asset being tracked has dropped by a certain percentage, the user will gain a significant yield on the amount of XIV held within the _tracking vault. _Rewards are disbursed in XIV tokens.

What is Inverse-Staking?

Inverse-staking is the process whereby users may stake XIV, the native Inverse token against the volatility of select DeFi assets and a broader DeFi index for no more than 7 days. The greater the drop in value of these assets within the 7-day staking period, the larger the rewards gained by the user. Users may stake XIV in either** Fixed **Vaults or Flexible Vaults

Flex (Flexible) Vaults

Percentage value drop for reward determined by User.

DeFi Coin Tracking Vaults: Ten
DeFi Index Tracking Vault: One
User Set Drop-value: -3% to -7% (Both Coin & Index Tracking Vaults)
Risk: 30% to 70% of staked XIV (Both Coin and Index Tracking Vaults)
Rewards: Principal XIV + 30% to 70% Principal XIV (Both Coin & Index
Tracking Vaults)
Inverse-Staking Period: 10080 minutes (7 days)

Fixed Vaults

Percentage value drop for reward determined by Protocol.

DeFi Coin Tracking Vaults: Ten
DeFi Index Tracking Vault: One
Price drop for reward: -7.5% (DeFi Coins) & -5.0% (DeFi index)
Rewards (DeFi Coins Tracking Vaults): Principal XIV + 2x Principal XIV
Rewards (DeFi Index Tracking Vault): Principal XIV + 1x Principal XIV
Risk (both Coin and Index Tracking Vaults): 100% Staked XIV
Inverse-Staking Period: 10080 minutes (7 days)

What is Dynamic Swapping?

Once the INVERSE protocol is connected to a Web3 browser such as MetaMask, users can swap ETH or USDT for XIV and vice-versa. An equal ratio XIV:ETH and XIV:USDT will be maintained at all times in the INVERSE liquidity pool. The LP will help facilitate the protocol’s swapping and staking functions. Users who help maintain the LP will receive on-going XIV rewards from a portion of staking losses captured by the vaults.

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What is Inverse (XIV) | What is Inverse token | What is XIV token
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