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If you have been trying to build machine learning models with high accuracy; but never tried Transfer Learning, this article will change your life. At least, it did mine!

Most of us have already tried several machine learning tutorials to grasp the basics of neural networks. These tutorials were very helpful to understand the basics of artificial neural networks such as Recurrent Neural NetworksConvolutional Neural NetworksGANs, and Autoencoders. But, their main functionality was to prepare you for real-world implementations.

Now, if you are planning to build an AI system that utilizes deep learning, you either (i) have to have a very large budget for training and excellent AI researchers at your disposal or (ii) have to benefit from transfer learning.

#computer-vision #deep-learning #artificial-intelligence #transfer-learning #machine-learning

4 Pre-Trained CNN Models to Use for Computer Vision with Transfer Learning
3.50 GEEK