Free and Beautiful Vue.js Admin Template

We’re working on Vuestic UI component library, which lets you easily customize components to your own design.
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Vuestic Admin

Free and beautiful Vue.js admin template with 44+ custom UI components.
Developed by Epicmax. Designed by Vasili Savitski

Demo | New white theme demo | Documentation


New white theme demo


First of all, make sure you have all prerequisites installed:

After checking the prerequisites, follow these simple steps to install and use Vuestic Admin:

# clone the repo
$ git clone myproject

# go into app's directory and install dependencies:
$ cd myproject

Then, if you use npm:

$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 by default.
$ npm run serve

# build for production
$ npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report.
$ npm run build --report

If you use yarn:

$ yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 by default.
$ yarn serve

# build for production
$ yarn build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report.
$ yarn build --report

Download Details:

Author: epicmaxco

Live Demo:


#vuejs #javascript #vue-js

Free and Beautiful Vue.js Admin Template
11.45 GEEK