The universe around front-end development and especially React front-end development is getting more and more exciting with each and every day.
Just about a month ago, a new state management library for React was open-sourced by Facebook software engineer Dave McCabe.
That’s right, folks, the new kid on the block is called Recoil. It came out straight from React’s kitchen, and it looks like it’s here to stay. Pretty exciting, right?
If you’re a React hothead, you’ve already heard of it or even tried it out a bit. For those who haven’t, let me give you some quick trivia about it:

  • Recoil is a state management library for React.
  • It’s still considered to be experimental (not production-ready ). The current version is 0.0.8.
  • It’s built upon all the latest goodies from React, like Hooks and Suspense, and is even ready to support concurrent mode as well (at least according to the docs.
  • The library is small, fast, and basically boilerplate-free.

I hope I’ve got your attention now. Ok, enough small talk, let’s see what the whole fuss is all about and check out how it works.

#javascript #recoil #programming #react

How Recoil Got Me Excited About the Future of State Management in React
10.65 GEEK