A Python tutorial to understand the uses of for loop in various ways including examples.

Python is a general-purpose programming language, which emphasizes making programming easy, efficient coding, and unleashes the user’s potential. Loops are the vital part of programming as it allows the user to repetitive use a set of codes using loops. So in the following article, we will see how to use for loops in python.

FOR Loop:

Till the iteration of the last item in the sequence, for loop run the instructions. It iterates over sets of instructions in sequence, arrays, and a tuple for a pre-defined period or until the last item and calculation are executed.

For loop can be categorized in three ways.

  1. Traditional for loop – It is usually used in programming language and contains three parts of a loop, i.e., initialization, condition, increment/decrement.
  2. Iterator/collection-based for loop – It is used for the iteration of objects and collections instead of numbers.
  3. Vectorize for loop – It is used to iterate parallel arrays simultaneously.

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Python For Loop (with Examples)
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