ML.NET is an open-source, cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET developers. It enables integrating machine learning into your .NET apps without requiring you to leave the .NET ecosystem or even have a background in ML or data science.

We are excited to announce new versions of ML.NET and Model Builder!

In this post, we’ll cover the following items:

  1. Model Builder Preview
  2. ML.NET v1.5.5
  3. Virtual ML.NET Community Conference
  4. Feedback
  5. Get started and resources

Model Builder Preview

This preview brings a lot of big changes to Model Builder, and we’re excited to get your feedback on all the new features which include:

  • Config-based training with generated code-behind files
  • Restructured Advanced Data Options
  • Redesigned Consume step

You can sign up for the Preview at

#machine learning #dotnet #ml dotnet

ML.NET and Model Builder March Updates
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