Simplify state management in React using Redux Toolkit and TypeScript to easily scale and adapt large projects.

State management in React with Redux can be incredibly challenging. Aside from wrapping your head around the core concepts and the architectural patterns, you also have an enormous amount of boilerplates that can make it even more daunting and confusing. Dan Abramov, the creator of Redux, describes the frustration better than I:


Redux Toolkit to the rescue

With just the right degree of abstractions, Redux Toolkit is one of the more successful attempts to make working with Redux less intimidating and more intuitive. It is easy to scale and adapt on large distributed projects. However, that’s not the main gist of this post.

You can go into deeper detail on why Redux Toolkit is a smart choice. We’ll instead concentrate on how to use RTK with TypeScript.

Combining the well-thought-out approach of Redux Toolkit and the type-safety of TypeScript will yield a more robust, maintainable, and scalable Redux project. However, it is not always straightforward to set up RTK with TypeScript — and that’s what we’ll attempt to illuminate in this article.

What we’ll cover in this post

  • Installations and initial setup
  • Configuring the store
  • How to structure your Redux project
  • Creating action reducers with createSlice
  • Async with thunk, error handling, and loading states
  • Connecting to store using useDispatch and useSelector Hooks

#typescript #redux #react #javascript

Using TypeScript with Redux Toolkit
4.40 GEEK