React Native vs Flutter vs Xamarin (Which is best for startup ?)

Over the last few years, mobile apps have been a great rise. With the digitization of our lives and smartphones becoming commonplace everyone comes with a new idea for developing an app that provides great use to the world. There are a lot of mobile app development frameworks that allow app owners and app developers to develop pure native and cross-platform apps. But Cross-platform app development has been chosen by most of ones who are looking to build an app because it saves a lot of time and costs.

But the most asked question by a lot of business owners and App developers are which cross-platform app development framework to choose : Flutter vs Xamarin vs React Native. As a leading service provider of cross-platform app development, We have compared these three frameworks and come up with a detailed analysis of which one to choose for your mobile app development project.

This would help startups choosing the right one for their mobile app development process at an ease. You can also hire developers from top mobile app development companies.

Flutter vs Xamarin vs React Native: Which Cross-Platform Framework to Choose?


Flutter is a great cross-platform app development framework from google for developing applications for mobile, desktop and Web platforms. Flutter is a portable UI toolkit that provides an open-source environment to develops applications in Android and iOS Platforms.

With the help of a single codebase, you can build beautiful, natively-compiled applications for all mobile, web, and desktop platforms. Dart language is used by Flutter for both Front and Back end and uses a reactive framework.

Why choose Flutter for Cross-Platform App Development?

  • Flutter’s hot reload helps you instantly and easily experiment, build UIs, add new features, and fixing bugs faster.
  • Flutter uses a common language (Dart) for both Front and Back end of the Mobile application.
  • Has a huge collection of the visual, platform, structural, and interactive widgets to create apps faster.
  • Helps you to build UIs from Widgets
  • The App Testing process can be faster.

React Native

React Native is Facebook’s JavaScript library that allows you to build mobile apps based on React for building user interfaces. React Native has been the widely used programming platforms to build highly efficient mobile applications

React Native Framework allows you to render UI for both iOS and Android platforms. With the idea of compatibility with other platforms like Windows or tvOS in the near future, Facebook has made React Native open-source. It allows developing an app based on a single platform-specific code.

React Native lets you develop your app faster and has the ability to reuse components. You don’t need to recompile the code instead you can reload the app instantly. Hot reloading refreshes the UI instantly when any changes are made to the file.

Why Choose React Native for Cross-Platfrom App Development?

  • React Native helps to build a highly customized and creative User interface
  • React Native has more third - party packages to enhance the usability of the app by adding dynamic features.
  • With the ability to reuse components, React Native lets your app development faster
  • React Native makes use of Graphics Processing Unit
  • Hot reloading refreshes the UI instantly when any changes are made to the file.


Xamarin a mobile app development framework comes up with tools for building hybrid mobile applications that can perform almost similar to the native application. Xamarin uses the single code base to build an application that contains all the native features.

Xamarin tools are available to download in visual studio and you can build mobile apps from the visual studio. The benefit of developing with Xamarin is that developers don’t need to know about Objective-C, Java or Swift to develop apps. Knowledge in C# is needed as most of the common code is written in C#.

Xamarin component store allows you to develop apps with more functionality by adding simple plugins. It allows you to integrate apps easily with most of the popular backends.

Why Choose Xamarin for Cross-Platfrom App Development?

  • With NuGet and Xamarin plugins, Xamarin helps in faster app development.
  • Xamarin tool is fully Dot Net which allows building ios and android applications using just one programming language.
  • The platform offers comprehensive solutions to test and monitor application performance and UI — the Xamarin Test Cloud and the Xamarin Test Recorder.
  • Using Xamarin and Azure, you can be assured of the app and data security.


Hope you have got an idea of which framework to choose for your** Mobile app development**. These three frameworks has its own advantages in app development. So choosing the framework based on your development needs can help you in achieving the success.

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