A collection of react-native buttons
Material buttons with consistent behaviour on iOS and Android
React Native Swipe Button component https://udaysravank.github.io/RNSwipeButton/
Press animation higher order component for React Native.
A higher order component which provides onPress animation for React Native component. Demo
React Native button component. Awesome Button is a 3D at 60fps, progress enabled, social ready, extendable, production ready component that renders an awesome animated set of UI buttons. https://expo.io/@rcaferati/react-native-really-awesome-button
React Native MultiBar .This module provides the functionality to implement extended actions by adding a custom tab bar with an advanced button.
This is a pure javascript and react-native Button component with a Spinner embeded in it. In many of the react-native projects we have worked on required the button to be disabled when app is processing something on tap of that button, and a loading indicator on it or beside it, so the user can be made aware of app doing some processing.
From a developer perspective, it is very painful to manage two different components: a button and a spinner for lots of buttons! So when we came accross this beautiful component SSspinnerButton, we decided to do something like that in react-native.
By default it will render a Button and you have to pass a boolean isLoading prop to it. When the isLoading will be true, it will render a Spinner in place of the Button and once its false, the Button will be rendered back again.
A lightweight, customizable and haptic Gradient Button component for React Native
React Native button for handling asynchronous operations https://ef-carbon.github.io/react-native-async-button/
This library is a button (or a grouped buttons) supporting multiple or radio selection by building with React Native. https://github.com/danceyoung/selectmultiplebuttons for Swift.
You can specify any Layout and Style for container view,button view and text through View Style Props, Layout Props and Text Style Props supporting by React Native
Material design action button for React Native
Simple and handy animated radio button component for React Native
A button that implement most of the HTML attributes and flexes itself (that is not a word)
A Higher-order Component for handling back button press on React Native Android
React Swipeout(web & react-native) http://react-component.github.io/swipeout
iOS-style swipeout buttons that appear from behind a component (web & react-native support)
Flat button component for react-native
This module is a copy of the default react-native/Button component from here - http://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/button.html - https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/master/Libraries/Components/Button.js - everything works exactly the same. This official component by React Native is very close to look of the native buttons we see on iOS and Android. However there are some minor changes needed to really get that perfect look. This module adds some new props to perfectly acheive the various native styles we see on Android and iOS.
customizable multi-action-button component for react-native
React Native: Native Download Button: with pretty cool animation
React Native: Native Shine Button - Effects like shining
A FAB button component for Android and iOS, customizable, simple and as per material design specs.
A simple animated transition based on the dribble from invision.
A button React Native component supporting showing different states with animations
An component that creates a button depicting different states in terms of e.g. color and label text. When a new buttonState is passed to the component the button will animate transition to the new appearance specified upon initiation. You can also pass in different functions to be called on touch depending of the current state of the button.
A Beautiful, Customizable React Native Button component for iOS & Android .React Native Button component for iOS & Android.
customizable multi-action-button component for react-native
A React Native button component customizable via props
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