GPT Token Utilities: Enhance Your GPT Models

What is this?

GPT Token Utilities is a small library for encoding and decoding text to and from the tokenized format used by OpenAI's GPT models.

Why should I use this?

πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ Fast

Our token encoder/decoder is optimized for a balance of speed and ease of use. No external dependencies are required.

πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ Flexible

Everything is written in TypeScript and includes type definitions with full documentation. This library is isomorphic and can be used in both Node and the browser!

βš–οΈ Light in size. Heavy in features.

GPT Token Utils balances a small footprint with a full-featured API. It's also tree-shakeable, so you can import only the functions you need.



yarn add gpt-token-utils
# or
npm install --save gpt-token-utils


Encoding and Decoding Text

The encode and decode exports are the main functions you'll use to work with GPT tokens.

import { encode, decode } from 'gpt-token-utils'

// Encode a string to a list of tokens...
const tokens = encode('Humans are strange creatures, and ever so curious too!')

// You've got a list of tokens!
console.log(tokens) // [32661, 504, 389, 6283, 8109, 11, 290, 1683, 523, 11040, 1165, 0]

// How many tokens are there?
console.log(tokens.length) // 6

// Can we decode it back to text?
console.log(decode(tokens)) // "Humans are strange creatures...."

Advanced Usage

By default, GPT Token Utils includes a sizable vocabulary and encoder. Alternatively, you can pass in your own to customize the encoding/decoding process.

import {BytePairEncoder} from 'gpt-token-utils/BytePairEncoder'

const tokenEncoder = new BytePairEncoder({...})
import {BytePairDecoder} from 'gpt-token-utils/BytePairDecoder'

const tokenDecoder = new TokenDecoder({...})

Download Details:

Author: sister-software
Source Code: 
License: MIT license

#gpt #token #prompt 

GPT Token Utilities: Enhance Your GPT Models
1.70 GEEK