Flutter is an open-source User Interface SDK that is Software Development Kit. Flutter is an open-source project, and it is maintained by Google. Currently, in March 2021. Google has been released another new version of flutter that is Flutter 2. Flutter as a software development kit is great, but while building a big application, there will be some problems or bugs in the code that has to be debugged. Flutter provides multiple debugging tools such as timeline inspector, memory and performance inspector, and else. These tools ease up the debugging process for a developer, below are listed different tools for debugging flutter apps.

By the way, Flutter has the ability to easily test any application. The ability is that they work the way we want them on a target platform. Dart testing works well for unit and non-UI testing; It runs on the development machine and does not depend on the GUI of the Flutter application

Hello friends, I will talk about my new blog on Flutter integration tests on Firebase Test Lab. We will also implement Flutter integration tests on the Firebase Test Lab demo, and use them in your flutter applications. So let’s get started.

Table Of Contents :


Integration Tests

Firebase Test Lab




“ Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit that helps you build beautiful and natively combined applications for mobile, web, and desktop in a single codebase in record time, Flutter offers great developer tools, with amazing hot reload”.

What is Integration Test:

We use integration testing to learn how different parts work together. Unlike unit tests, it is intended to be run on devices (physical or virtual) and is used for end-to-end testing in addition to testing individual components. Due to this, these tests are much slower than unit tests, but they are a great way to test whether our app works correctly in real-life scenarios. It is called a test because we use the flutter_driver package and the flutter drive command line to run its GUI.

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Flutter integration Tests on Firebase Test Lab
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