6 Best Node and Express Books for Beginners

Learn Node and Express with these top 6 books for beginners. These books will teach you the basics of Node and Express, as well as how to build full-stack web applications. Whether you're a complete beginner or have some experience with JavaScript, these books will help you take your Node and Express skills to the next level.

Here are the top books for Node and Express:

1. Best Book for Hands-on Learners: Web Development with Node and Express: Leveraging the JavaScript Stack

Web Development with Node and Express by Ethan Brown teaches you Express fundamentals by walking you through the development of an example application. This hands-on guide covers everything from server-side rendering to API development suitable for use in single-page apps (SPAs).

The examples in this book can be used with any system that Node works on. After reading the book, you will be able to:

Create a templating system for rendering dynamic data

Dive into request and response objects, middleware, and URL routing

Simulate a production environment for testing

Persist data in document databases with MongoDB and relational databases with PostgreSQL

Make your resources available to other programs with APIs

Build secure apps with authentication, authorization, and HTTPS

Integrate with social media, geolocation, and more

Implement a plan for launching and maintaining your app

Learn critical debugging skills

The book is divided into 23 chapters and the contents covered are:

Chapter 1 gives the introduction of Express

Chapter 2 talks about getting started with Node

Chapter 3  talks about Saving Time with Express

Chapter 4 covers Tidying Up

Chapter 5 covers Quality Assurance

Chapter 6 covers the Request and Response Objects

Chapter 7 talks about Templating with Handlebars

Chapter 8 covers Form Handling

Chapter 9 covers Cookies and Sessions

Chapter 10 talks about Middleware

Chapter 11 talks about Sending Email

Chapter 12 covers Production Concerns

Chapter 13 covers Persistence

Chapter 14 covers Routing

Chapter 15 talks about REST APIs and JSON

Chapter 16 covers Single-Page Applications

Chapter 17 covers Static Content

Chapter 18 covers Security

19. Integrating with Third-Party APIs

Chapter 20 covers debugging

Chapter 21 talks about going live

Chapter 22 covers maintenance

Chapter 23 covers some additional resources 

Just pick up this book and explore new ways to look at web development.

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2. Best Book for Serious Learners: Beginning Node.js, Express & MongoDB Development 

Beginning Node.js, Express & MongoDB Development by Greg Lim takes you on a fun, hands-on and pragmatic journey to learning Node.js, Express and MongoDB development. The book will let you start building your first Node.js app within minutes. 

The book is divided into sixteen chapters. Every chapter is written in a bite-sized manner and straight to the point. The contents covered are:

Chapter 1 gives you the introduction

Chapter 2 gives an introduction to npm and Express

Chapter 3 talks about beginning Blog Project

Chapter 4 covers Templating Engines

Chapter 5 gives an introduction to MongoDB

Chapter 6 talks about applying MongoDB to Project

Chapter 7 talks about uploading an image with Express

Chapter 8 gives an introduction to Express Middleware

Chapter 9 covers Refactoring to MVC

Chapter 10 covers User Registration

Chapter 11 covers User Authentication with Express Sessions

Chapter 12 talks about showing Validation Errors

Chapter 13 talks about relating Post Collection with User Collection

Chapter 14 talks about adding a WYSIWYG Editor

Chapter 15 talks about using MongoDB Atlas

Chapter 16 covers Deploying Web Apps on Heroku

By the end of the book, you will have the skills to create a blog app and deploy it to the Internet.

3. Best Book for Completionists: Node.js Web Development: Server-side web development made easy with Node 14 using practical examples, 5th Edition

Node.js Web Development by David Herron helps you to build scalable web applications using Node.js, Express.js, and the latest ECMAScript techniques. The book takes you through the different stages of developing robust and scalable apps using Node.js 14.

You will learn to deploy applications with AWS and Docker with this updated edition. After reading the book, you will be able to:

Install and use Node.js 14 and Express 4.17 for both web development and deployment

Implement RESTful web services using the Restify framework

Develop, test, and deploy microservices using Docker, Docker Swarm, and Node.js, on AWS EC2 using Terraform

Get up to speed with using data storage engines such as MySQL, SQLite3, and MongoDB

Test your web applications using unit testing with Mocha, and headless browser testing with Puppeteer

Implement HTTPS using Let's Encrypt and enhance application security with Helmet

This book is divided into fourteen chapters and includes the following topics:

Chapter 1 talks about Node.js

Chapter 2 talks about setting up Node.js

Chapter 3 explores Node.js Modules

Chapter 4 covers HTTP Servers and Clients

Chapter 5 talks about your first Express Application

Chapter 6 talks about implementing the Mobile-First Paradigm

Chapter 7 covers Data Storage and Retrieval

Chapter 8 talks about authenticating users with a Microservice

Chapter 9 covers Dynamic Client/Server Interaction with Socket.IO

Chapter 10 talks about deploying Node.js Applications to Linux Servers

Chapter 11 talks about deploying Node.js microservices with Docker

Chapter 12 covers deploying a Docker Swarm to AWS EC2 with Terraform

Chapter 13 covers Unit Testing and Functional Testing

Chapter 14 talks about Security in Node.js Applications

The book helps to build and deploy your own apps on a public web hosting solution. By the end of this Node.js book, you will have gained practical Node.js web development knowledge. This book is for anyone with the desire to learn.

4. Best Book on a Budget: Node.Js in 8 Hours: For Beginners, Learn Coding Fast!

Node.js in 8 Hours by Ray Yao is free with Kindle Unlimited. The book covers all essential Node.js language knowledge. You can learn complete primary skills of Node.js programming fast and easily. 

The book includes more than 60 practical examples for beginners and includes tests & answers. The contents covered in the book are:

Hour 1 covers Node.Js Introduction and Node.Js Installation

Hour 2 covers Node.Js Function and Imbedded Function

Hour 3 covers EventEmitter Examples and Error Event

Hour 4 talks about how to write to Buffer and read from Buffer

Hour 5 talks about File Stream and Read Stream

Hour 6 talks about opening a File and File Status

Hour 7 covers how to create and read a Directory

Hour 8 talks about OS Module and Path Module

In the long run, this book will save you a lot of time and make complex things simple and easy to understand.

5. Best Book for Practical Learners: Learning Node: Cookbook, 4th Edition

Node Cookbook: Discover solutions, techniques, and best practices for server-side web development with Node.js 14, 4th Edition by Bethany Griggs helps you to get started with creating, debugging, and deploying your Node.js applications. The book covers solutions to common problems along with tips to avoid pitfalls.

The fourth edition of the Node Cookbook is updated with the latest Node.js features and the evolution of the Node.js framework ecosystems. Here's what you'll learn from the book: 

Understand the Node.js asynchronous programming model

Create simple Node.js applications using modules and web frameworks

Develop simple web applications using web frameworks such as Fastify and Express

Discover tips for testing, optimizing, and securing your web applications

Create and deploy Node.js microservices

Debug and diagnose issues in your Node.js applications 

The book is divided into twelve chapters and includes the following contents: 

Chapter 1 introduces Node.js 14

Chapter 2 talks about Handling I/O

Chapter 3 covers Streams

Chapter 4 talks about using Web Protocols

Chapter 5 talks about developing Node.js Modules

Chapter 6 talks about working with Web Frameworks

Chapter 7 talks about persisting to Databases

Chapter 8 covers Testing with Node.js

Chapter 9 talks about dealing with Security

Chapter 10 talks about Optimizing Performance

Chapter 11 talks about deploying Node.js Microservices

Chapter 12 talks about Debugging Node.js 

The book has comprehensive examples covering a lot of practical problems. It is a great read for anyone trying to expand their Node knowledge. If you use nodeJS for writing microservices this book is a great resource!

6. Best Node reference: Node.js Design Patterns, 3rd Edition

Node.js Design Patterns: Design and implement production-grade Node.js applications using proven patterns and techniques, 3rd Edition by Mario Casciaro and Luciano Mammino guides you to learn how to create solid server-side applications by leveraging the full power of Node.js 14. The book helps you to master well-known design principles to create applications that are readable, extensible, and that can grow big.

With this book, you'll learn to:

Leverage Node.js streams to create data-driven asynchronous processing pipelines

Implement well-known software design patterns to create production-grade applications

Share code between Node.js and the browser and take advantage of full-stack JavaScript 

The book contains thirteen chapters: 

Chapter 1: The Node.js Platform

Chapter 2: The Module System

Chapter 3: Callbacks and Events

Chapter 4: Asynchronous Control Flow Patterns with Callbacks

Chapter 5: Asynchronous Control Flow Patterns with Promises and Async/Await

Chapter 6: Coding with Streams

Chapter 7: Creational Design Patterns

Chapter 8: Structural Design Patterns

Chapter 9: Behavioral Design Patterns

Chapter 10: Universal JavaScript for Web Applications

Chapter 11: Advanced Recipes

Chapter 12: Scalability and Architectural Patterns

Chapter 13: Messaging and Integration Patterns

Throughout the book, you'll see Node.js in action with the help of several real-life examples leveraging technologies such as LevelDB, Redis, RabbitMQ, and ZeroMQ. It's a perfect resource for both beginners and advanced developers.

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6 Best Node and Express Books for Beginners
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