In this blog, we’ll focus on expanding upon the sample Alex Trefilov made in  Getting Started with Interactive Blazor Charts, by exploring some of the other great features included in our  Blazor FlexChart control.

A link to download the original sample, along with all the required preprocessing steps to setup your project, is included in Alex’s blog. There are hundreds of features we could explore inside our Blazor FlexChart control, with  more added in every release, but in order to prevent this blog from becoming a novel, we’ll stick to covering legends, selection mode, trendlines, and multiple plot areas, as well as their relevant features and implementations. Let’s hop right in!In this blog, we’ll focus on expanding upon the sample Alex Trefilov made in  Getting Started with Interactive Blazor Charts, by exploring some of the other great features included in our  Blazor FlexChart control.

A link to download the original sample, along with all the required preprocessing steps to setup your project, is included in Alex’s blog. There are hundreds of features we could explore inside our Blazor FlexChart control, with more added in every release, but in order to prevent this blog from becoming a novel, we’ll stick to covering legends, selection mode, trendlines, and multiple plot areas, as well as their relevant features and implementations. Let’s hop right in!


In the Blazor FlexChart control,  Legends can do more than simply relay the information being displayed on the chart. With the LegendToggle property set to true, you can turn a series visibility on or off by clicking on the legend in the chart. This is useful when you would like to view different combinations of various series on the chart at run-time, without manually having to edit the code and re-running the project each time you would like to change the series displayed.

The LegendPosition and LegendStyle properties give you complete control over where your legend is displayed in relation to the chart, and how the font looks inside of it. The LegendTitle property allows you to display an appropriate title above the legend as well. The HTML code below can be used directly on your Razor page to enable these properties.

LegendPosition="Position.Bottom" LegendStyle="font-size:18px" LegendToggle="true"

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Customize the Blazor Chart - Selection, Trendlines, Plot Areas, and More
1.95 GEEK