YouTube App Using React JS & YouTube Data API v3

In this video we’ll be creating simple YouTube Video Search App using YouTube’s Data API v3

The YouTube Data API (v3) lets you incorporate YouTube functionality into your own application. You can use the API to fetch search results and to retrieve, insert, update, and delete resources like videos or playlists.

In conjunction with the YouTube Player APIs and the YouTube Analytics API, the API lets your application provide a full-fledged YouTube experience that includes search and discovery, content creation, video playback, account management, and viewer statistics.

To use YouTube’s API, a developer must acquire a Developer ID - this is an additional property that is attached to the developer’s YouTube account. The information that is available to developers is similar to the information that can be acquired by accessing YouTube’s many RSS feeds. Since the integration of Google and YouTube it is possible to log into YouTube using an existing Google account. An easy to use tutorial can be found as a YouTube video.
The API’s have since been extended and are now compatible with many mobile operating platforms such as Android and iOS. Quite obviously the Android API’s are more complete with the iOS resources somewhat lacking. A list of this API’s available for both platforms are below:

Other YouTube API’s (the traditional API’s) include:

  • Analytics API’s
  • Getting Started
  • Code Samples
  • API Reference
  • Sample Requests
  • Sample Application
  • Data API
  • Getting Started
  • Sample Requests
  • Guides and Tutorials
  • API Reference
  • API Explorer


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YouTube Video Search App Using React JS & YouTube Data API v3
2.10 GEEK