If Anaconda (conda) and Jupyter Notebook (Jupyter Lab) are set up the right way the combination of them can become the perfect team, where you are able to easily switch between Deep Learning conda environments.

Some programs requiring Tensorflow 1.15, others Tensorflow 2.0? No problem! Just switch environments and Tensorflow versions with a simple click.

Also, did you ever install Jupyter Notebook extensions in each conda environment? Do not worry anymore, we are going to install the extensions once, and have them available in each environment!

How are we going to achieve that?

  1. Install Anaconda or Miniconda
  2. Install Jupyter Notebook / Lab in the base environment
  3. Install a new environment
  4. Activate the environment for Jupyter Notebook

#tensorflow #jupyter #jupyter-notebook #anaconda #conda

How to set up Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook the right way
1.55 GEEK