Happy Friday and Happy Halloween! This week we have a number of great posts across a variety of topics. And just a heads up, we’ll be taking next Friday (November 6th) off from the community roundup post and be back at it on November 13th!

Delete default project Wiki in Azure DevOps

Sander reached out to share a post on removing the default project wiki (in case you started there but wanted to use another repo). Since there isn’t a nice way to do it in the UI, Sander shares how we can make a few API calls to solve that problem.

Build Xamarin iOS app with Azure DevOps

Need to deliver Xamarin iOS apps? Stefanija has three posts on how to do that with Azure DevOps – including this post on building the app. Check out the main page of her blog to find the other posts as well!

Set Work Item State on Pull Request Completion

Automation is a wonderful thing. It helps us be more consistent in our process and therefore have more accurate reasoning about our current state. Chaminda shares how to use the wording in a pull request to update the state of associated work items.

Manage release flow using pipelines in Azure DevOps

Daniel joins us to share how he uses Azure Pipelines to control the release of software into multiple environments.

Azure Pipelines for Private AKS Clusters

Colin dives in to deploying to AKS instances that are private rather than public (the default). This includes making the container registry private as well. This post helps navigate some of the sharp corners in this process.

#azure & cloud #community #microsoft devops

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2020.10.30
1.05 GEEK