Streamline Signups with Clio Grow Forms for WordPress

This is a Wordpress plugin to be used with Clio Grow's Lead Inbox API. This plugin allows the user to embed a customizable Clio Grow intake form directly into their Wordpress pages.


Features and Functionality

Users should be able to:

  • Customize the inputs to be displayed on the Form
  • Add their API key to connect the Form to their Clio Grow account
  • Embed the form anywhere on their Wordpress pages using a simple shortcode


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My process

Built with

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JS (ES6)
  • PHP

What I learned

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Continued development

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Useful resources

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Download Details:

Author: tyrellcurry

Official Github: 



Streamline Signups with Clio Grow Forms for WordPress
1.35 GEEK