PHP variable to JavaScript In Laravel

In PHP, there is always a limitation on pass PHP variable to the javascript file. Many PHP developers, face this issue. But Laravel has one package which is directly set the variable in js. So, you can use this package for passing a variable from controller to javascript.

However, we know the Laravel framework is having the largest community. Similarly, Laravel having large package base. So, sometimes it is easy to use package rather use custom code. Moreover, you can use existing packages.

Pass PHP variable to JavaScript

Many times you often find the need to pass PHP variable or string to the javascript file. But for this, you can use the below package.

Install package

Just copy below package and paste into the composer.json file.

"laracasts/utilities": "^2.1"

Or similarly from command line or terminal run command:

composer require laracasts/utilities


Further, add the Service provider into the config/app.php file. Which is used for the binding. After this, you will get Javascript facade.

'providers' => [

Publish the Configuration:

Finally, publish the config using the below command.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laracasts\Utilities\JavaScript\JavaScriptServiceProvider"

Further, it will copy the javascript.js file to the config folder. There are two variable you can assign the values. Firstly, you can set bind_js_vars_to_this_view. This will set the name of the view. Basically, this is a partial view. If more than one view then you can set in array. Secondly, js_namespace is where you can define the namespace of the js variable. By default, Laracasts is the variable but you can change it to something else.

Usage in controller

Import the Dependency

You can initialize the JavaScript variable in the controller. Initialize and import into the controller.

use Javascript;

Set Variable

Now, you can define the variable into the controller using Javascript. You can set the values in the key-value pair. Assign a value to the key.

$array = [
    'key' => value_here,

So, put your value into the JavaScript variable using the value of an array. Once you define into the array and assign to the variable you can access it into the js file.

Now, your controller will look like below.

namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use JavaScript;
class VarController extends Controller
     * Display a listing of the resource.
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function index()
            'foo' => 'bar',
            'user' => 'user',
            'time' => '2019-04-29'
        return view('pages/home');

Access In JS file

Now, your blade file will look like below.

    <div style="text-align:center">
        <h1>PHP var to JavaScript</h1>
<script src='assets/app.js'></script>

In js file, you can access the set variable into the Laracasts namespace. Which you define in the javascript.js file.

console.log(; // access foo variable
console.log(Laracasts.user);// access user variable
console.log(Laracasts.time);// access time variable

In this way, you can directly access the set variable. This will give simple access for getting value into the js file. There is a limitation for getting the value into the js file. So this package will give you direct access into js file.

In many cases, this will give you the simplest solution. Many developers have to face this problem in developement. So, this post will give some relief from this problem. Let me know if you face any issue.

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PHP variable to JavaScript In Laravel
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