Imagine a water pipe. This pipe takes water from the lake to the house.

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Now we can drink water at home that is very comfy, but this water may be dirty. We need to use a filter, it will make the water in the pipe clean.

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Pipe with filter

Our filter is changed water but it’s still the same water. Angular pipes work in a similar way.

We take our data put them in an angular pipe, then pipe change it and the user sees data in a different way.

Angular have a standard list of pipes which we can use:

  • CurrencyPipe: Formats a currency
  • PercentPipe: Percents Format
  • UpperCasePipe: converts the string to uppercase
  • LowerCasePipe: converts a string to lowercase
  • DatePipe: format date
  • DecimalPipe: sets the number format
  • SlicePipe: truncates the string

#front-end-development #angular-pipe #angular #web-development #frontend

Angular pipe will give your data pretty look
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