If you are thinking of upskilling or just curious about how difficult it would be to pick up SQL in your career goals, you are in for a pleasant surprise. SQL is one of the easiest languages to learn, and the concepts, syntax, queries, and data formats are not only easy to remember but have name-dependent functions too. That is, you would not be confused in any function, concepts of tables, and picking up the various necessary RDBMS tools makes it even more exciting.

As SQL is first and foremost a language you can use to access, transform, and manipulate data, it doesn’t have concepts you would have a hard time remembering. Unlike C, C++, Java, Python, you can expect SQL to be straightforward and easy to remember without the confusing syntax and concepts in the mentioned languages.

Moreover, SQL is a language that you can perfect with memory and some practice, unlike C, C++, Java, and so on. They have their classes, functions, loops, and other numerous complexities, whose variables can and do lead to confusion and a tough learning curve. In SQL, however, despite some similarities, you can easily remember the syntax, what they do, how to use it, and with some practice, you can feel you are already halfway through to the master skill level.

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How Difficult is it to Learn SQL?
1.60 GEEK