Laurence Moroney and Jason Mayes team up to answer your #AskTensorFlow questions on today’s episode. Remember to use #AskTensorFlow to have your questions answered in a future episode!

0:24 - How do we extend Keras APIs, model subclassing and generally improve the ease of use?
1:42 - What about web developers who are new to AI, does the version 2.0 help them get started?
4:23 - Is there any TensorFlow.js transfer learning example for object detection?
6:06 - Does TensorFlow leverage Metal when running on iOS?
7:20 - What’s the best way high school students can better engage with TensorFlow and it’s different components/submodules for their projects and work?
8:50 - What are TF Records, why are they needed for input?


Answering your latest TensorFlow questions!
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