SQL DIFFERENCE() is an inbuilt function that is used for returning the difference between the Soundex values. The Soundex value is four characters long. If two strings sound the same, then their Soundex values will be the same. If two strings sound entirely different, then none of the characters Soundex values will be the same.


SQL DIFFERENCE, one of the String Function, compares two SOUNDEX values and returns the integer. An integer value indicates the match for the two SOUNDEX values, from 0 to 4.  The 0 indicates weak or no similarity between the SOUNDEX values. 4 indicates strong similarity or identically SOUNDEX values.

For example, peace and piece sound the same so that they will have the same Soundex values.

SELECT SOUNDEX ('piece') AS Piece, SOUNDEX ('Peace') AS Peace;

See the output.


See the following syntax.

SELECT DIFFERENCE (input_string1, input_string2);

#sql #sql difference

SQL DIFFERENCE Function Example | Difference Method
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